TONEC Supply Co was created after going full circle and realising that the true essence of why we do what we do is at the root of all board sports - the culture, the fun, the feeling, the friendships and the creativity. We didn’t want to be just another brand peddling the unattainable to push the bottom line and always looking for the next huck-a-doodle-who?
We just want to share doing it for the pure love of it, no matter what. Never stop, never give up because it’s who you are.

We are here for those who embrace the same passions. We’re here to inspire and stoke everyone’s personal fire. To encourage and enable self-expression in whatever line, wave or path you’re on.
We all know that feeling when you discover something new that completely hooks you. You can’t get enough. Every image makes you want to get out and feel it again. The anticipation a new board gives. The sounds resonating in your head long after a session ends. Feeling like you belong to a secret underground world that only those who have lived, sweated or bled for truly understand what it means. It doesn’t really matter if you’re doing something super tech, going huge or just dropping, the underlying feelings are still the same.
The last clicks of your binding strap before slipping onto the chair. The squeak of groomed snow against your edges. Silence as you float through trees and the feeling as you turn to push a wall of crystals skyward like white napalm exploding in your face.
It’s not just something you do, it’s who you are. No matter which board you’re riding or what journey you’re on, those feelings never ever really fade. Unlike other “sports” there are no rules, no time limits, no referees, just you and the elements in front of you. Your blank canvas to paint as you wish and the mutual appreciation from those who get it.

Getting back to how you felt as a wide eyed grom aching for the next shred injection. Cause it just feels good. Never underestimate the importance of just having fun. Then go out and send it with a huge shit eating grin on your face and keep feeding your soul.
To supply custom designed clothing, art and accessories that are made on demand. To inspire, provoke and excite people to get out there and do what they love and feel like they belong to something that’s built on passion at it's core. All of this we do whilst leaving as small a footprint on the planet as we can and continue to make decisions based on sustainability and reducing impact on the environments we love to play in as well as giving back whenever we can.